So, I was working on a new office space. It was to be a rustic cabin by the river. Well, my town of Lander, WY, including some river frontage on my parents’ property, on which said cabin sat, flooded in June. The cabin went down river, literally.

So, as a Plan B, my husband, Jerry, found a 1973 Sportscoach RV. It’s old, but it has character. It could be the ugliest vessel ever seen. But beauty is on the inside, remember. And besides, it came complete with a ceramic trout bolted to one of the walls.
I love it. Jerry and his dad, Harlan, installed a whiteboard wall panel for me (I love writing on whiteboards), as well as some reclaimed pine plank flooring and a customized desk. It has a toasty propane furnace to keep me warm on cool mornings, a stove, fridge and microwave, and the all-important Wireless connection.

Most of all it has atmosphere. Nestled in big trees, on the bank of the Middle Fork of the Popo Agie River and with views of Table Mountain, the office is an inspiring place from which to (try to) work.
My coworkers are deer, Canada geese and sage grouse. There aren’t any people nearby, but that’s okay. That’s why I have Facebook.

My mobile office by the river is sometimes referred to “cousin eddy rv mobile office.” If you’ve seen National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation you’ll understand why. And, our family sometimes refers to the office as The Downgrade. Heck, it cost only $2,000 (it’s bought and paid for) and costs only $60/year to insure.
At first we jokingly also called it the “HaveMediaMayTravel” because, well, we weren’t sure it would travel. But with only 56,000 miles on it, it not only starts up, it travels. In other words, it’s “Adventure-Ready,” which is important for a travel blogger.
I can say, with 100% certainty, that this little office of mine is in fact not The Downgrade, but a significant Upgrade.
NOTE: What’s super duper cool is Inc Magazine recently included it as one of the “world’s coolest offices” for indoor/outdoor space. Check it out! (It’s number 4)
Thanks to my husband, Jerry, for finding this gem, and for the work he and his dad, Harlan, did to make it extra special. Thanks to my parents for allowing it to take up space on their land (probably bringing property values down!), to Trey Warren, for giving us some surplus pine flooring for it, and to Mike Lilygren, for getting the furnace running.