This is POST 9 of my “fitness journey” blogging. For backstory, see Post 1,
Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7,Post 8 and Post 9.]
In the interest of being transparent and offering full disclosure, there are a few negatives associated with my loss of 23 pounds and 12.4% body fat during the last six months.

I often work out to songs that make me feel like I need to go to Confession afterward
For one, much of the music I listen to on my iPod during the past months and currently, lacks integrity. It’s a fact. I’m not proud of it, but it’s true. I can’t do intervals effectively if I’m listening to the music I typically listen to, which tends to have some integrity. Now I’m listening to songs with titles like Boom Boom Pow, Hypnotize, Juicy, She Wolf, Poker Face, Dangerous, Single Ladies, etc.

Some of the lyrics are so unbecoming that I feel as if I might need to go to Confession after leaving the gym. Fortunately I am able to order a “clean†version of some albums and songs. But this means that in one particular song’s case, there are very few words!
I now qualify for a “2 for 1†special when getting a mammogram
The other downside that comes to mind has to do with my female upper body anatomy that is a pair. (Sorry, not sure how else to refer to this part of my anatomy without coming out and saying what they are, which I’m not comfortable doing in this blog).
But, suffice is to say that in six months I have lost inches from my body, including from my chest. This isn’t welcome news for me given I was only “average†before, and happy with that, thank you very much. Now, when I get a mammogram, I could/should qualify for a two-for-one discount.
My trainer, Steve Bechtel, of Elemental Gym, says we can’t specify where the fat melts off, that fat loss is systemic, and it’s a reality that most of us carry surplus fat in this particular area of our anatomy. Darn’t anyway. You win some and you lose some I guess. Or, sometimes, you can’t win for losing.
Elemental Gym has a fantastic gym, some terrific programs and classes that will help you achieve better fitness. And, I might add, some great personal trainers: Steve Bechtel, Ellen Bechtel, Jagoe Reid, and Sophie Mosemann.