What Matters Now is a brilliant compilation of thoughts and ideas from more than 70 big thinkers and visionaries. I’ve read only the first few and I’m telling you, the e-book is awesome.
Genius, thought leader and author Seth Godin created the e-book.
“Now, more than ever, we need a different way of thinking, a useful way to focus and the energy to turn the game around,” writes Godin in the blog post where he introduced and made available this fabulous ebook, which was a project that took him months to complete.
What you get are 80 pages of wisdom, presented in compelling, unique and useful ways. Download it here.
Among the thought leaders who participated and share their insights are Seth Godin, Guy Kawasaki, Tim O’Reilly, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tom Peters, Dan Pink, Chris Anderson, Kevin Kelly, Jason Fried, Elizabeth Gilbert, Steve Pressfield, and more.
Don’t waste another moment. This is truly a GIFT. I’m going to start reading it right now and will not put it down until I’ve read all of its pages. It’s not very often we get, for free or otherwise, such a compilation of wisdom and first-hand insights from such a significant, brilliant collection of thought leaders.
What Matters Now comes at a perfect time, near the end of 2009. It will inspire our hearts and stimulate our minds as we enter a new year.
I’d love to hear what some of your favorites are in the e-book.